Oma 2003 – Online Election results Application

In July 2003 Kuwait held Parliamentary elections in all districts. The Ministry of Information approached FAPCOTECH three weeks prior to the election date with a view to broadcasting the election results live on the internet via a website. The entire project was outsourced to FAPCOTECH and comprised:-

  • installation of network points at all voting stations (over 200)
  • provision of a workstation at each voting point
  • internet connectivity
  • providing a team to input results when votes are casted.
  • developing the portal
  • development of the application to display online results (LIVE)
  • interfacing with an application developed by Kuwait TV to broadcast the website results on TV.

The Challenge

FAPCOTECH's evaluation team discovered that the voting stations lacked IT infrastructure and phone lines. In a very short time frame FAPCOTECH located and managed multiple vendors for:-

  • network setup
  • hardware provision
  • resource supply and training (project team was 300)
  • internet connectivity
  • internal application development and integration.

The Solution

Our Project Manager successfully coordinated vendor teams, arranged network and internet connectivity, implemented hardware delivery and trained and briefed all those involved. Internally, FAPCOTECH's team developed the portal with information received from the Ministry of Information. The online election results application was developed using .NET technology. Integration testing was completed a week before going 'live'. On election night, a helpdesk was available for those entering vote counts and the public. The site received 5 million hits within just 8 hours. Casting of vote was over at 5:00am the next day.

The Benefits

FAPCOTECH's solution…

  • Provided up-to-date vote counts per each district
  • Enhanced public awareness of the winning candidates
  • Conveyed accurate real-time information
  • Integrated seamlessly with Kuwait TV for online broadcasts
  • Utilized a simple application – only two training sessions were required to operate the system.

The Technology

FAPCOTECH's solution utilized the following technology:-

  • Development: .NET
  • Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000
  • Online elections application: FAPCOTECH Proprietary
  • O/S: MS Windows 2003

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